Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just Realized...

I read a story in the paper yesterday about a woman who was celebrating the 25th anniversary of her discovery of some cure for some disease and it made me realize that I was harboring the hopes of someday doing something phenomenal like that. I didn't realize I was harboring that hope before I read that article. But there it there a little bit. And I realized I was almost ready to let that one go. That I would never accomplish something amazing like find a cure for a disease, make significant changes in the world or universe. Almost ready to let that one go.

But then I also realized that I would never put on a backpack and walk around in Europe, would never roam from hostel-to-hostel. That I would never travel by hitchhiking across the States. I realized that I would never drop acid, never run the Boston marathon, and would always regret that I didn't get to Woodstock.

Not feeling my mortality but just making note of things that are past their prime in my life.

And so it goes...peace~~~


  1. LOL. I guess...I did many of those things in my youth, never went to Woodstock either, nor Europe. But I did hitch hike from Ohio to Boston to see the Christmas lights on the Common. My one great adventure, and it was great!!! Many many good memories.

  2. Was talking with a friend last night about this very same subject. I can only hope that my life can be measured by "something" I didn't set out to do as I probably won't do anything greatly significant. Now, my life seems somewhat insignificant and then I remember my wonderful kids and I know I did do something significant....:)

  3. From your picture, I am a bit older than you, and I came to that realization a while ago. Several years ago, I had kidney failure, and now I am physically unable to do a lot of things. But I have realized that I don't have to do anything great to be significant. The point now is to enjoy life as much as I am able, and to use whatever gifts I have to enjoy what I can do.

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