Monday, September 01, 2014

A Porch With a View

I completed my mosaic windows. The grouting was as much work as the piecing :)  Not really, but the grouting took me about three hours, the last hour with help from my instructor.  And then more little work when I got home.  I know I said I wasn't going to do any more mosaic work on the dining room table, but alas *sheepish grin* sand and dirt all over the place.
Grouting mine
Doug and I went to the hardware store to pick up the necessary items to hang it from the porch.  We bought square aluminum tubing to cross the top and the bottom of both windows, "L" brackets to reinforce the tubing, and hook-eyes for the chain.  I wanted to buy these cool knobs but they had to be special ordered.  So I will check on Amazon and/or someplace online.  They will be separated by about two inches as they hang, bound together to avoid the banging in the wind, and off to the narrow side of the porch.  I will be able to see a corner of them when I sew.  I always wanted a chained porch swing there also...maybe I can finally find one I want.  That would look cool.

Here is the mosaic class: 
The class on grout-day



Heading back down to my mom's for a week or so.  I did finish all the school clothing for Kaity and a quilt top for a little boy who's family lost everything in a house fire.  The skirt and top for me will have to wait.


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the windows!!! Wish I had more time to learn that. You are awesome!!
