Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Meanwhile, the Weather Changes again

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We are used to very specific seasonal weather.  Portland has two seasons: FallWinterSpring and Summer.  FallWinterSpring is usually rainy and overcast and grey.  Summer is often 70s and sunny.  We get a week or so of weather in the teens or lower and a week or so when temperatures are in the three-digits.  But we average 65 degrees.  Once in a while we get that perfect day in May and people who visit here on that day like to believe it is our normal spring weather.  We don't usually tell them differently and they are surprised when they move here at all the grey and overcast and rain we actually have. 

But this year has been a little crazy.  We've had more sunshine, less rain.  As much as we love the sunshine (really shows off that green!), most of us are getting a little nervous for lack of rain.  Yes, I know it is silly but all year round when it happens after a few weeks of no rain, you will often hear, "Wow, we needed that!"  Some days it is sunny and then overcast then sunny then rainy and overcast and then overcast.  Today is one of those days.

Understand my pup hates the rain.  She is quite the diva about it, refusing to go outside if the sidewalks are wet.  We have to carry her off the porch and put her onto the grass quite a way from the house or else she just "holds it."  Pathetic.  It is a good thing she is cute.  So taking a walk means special gear.  Now Zoë loves to go for walks but hates to get wet.  So this is her maybepossiblymight rain gear.  Understand, she also hates this outfit but will tolerate it because she loves a walk.

After a walk I cooled my heels in the sewing room.  This is what I have up on my "design board."  Can't decide if I want a light one-inch border so it looks like it is floating or a dark one-inch border to frame it out.  I have a fun green polk-a-dot for the second border.  It will be a happy quilt.

Oh oh oh and check this out!!  I bought gas yesterday and this is what I paid!  I am on the road again!

Meanwhile, the weather changes again.  Whatever comes our way we will all enjoy it somehow--either complaining about it, enjoying it, predicting it, ignoring it.



  1. Our gas prices has gone up 10 cents a litre in the last week. I hope yours stays put and doesn't start to climb again.

  2. I don't think CA will see gas much under $2 a gallon. It'd be nice but, IMHO, not likely. Have fun on the road again.
