Sunday, June 07, 2015

A Few Projects Comin Summer's Way

Summer time and the livin is easy~~~

I love summer.  The days are long, the pace is slower.  The lemonade flows.  The grass is green (and then brown) and the ocean calls.  The neighbors are out and waving.  And daisies are in bloom.  Simple and sweet and happy.
Project Linus Quilt
I have been working on many things these past few months.  The quilts I have been working on took a long time to get quilted.  Some tops are waiting for the new sewing room/long arm to be ready.  So I never posted them.  But they were all crying out to be seen.  So here I am, posting some of the projects I have been doing since the end of March.  For the quilts, I have been trying to use scraps and stash, so almost every quilt is scrappy.
Project Linus, a nonprofit organization that gives quilts and blankets to children in need, had a mystery quilt.  They posted blocks--actually rows--weekly for the quilt top.  Here is my rendition of this project. It had just about every type of sewing on it--paper piecing, applique, piecing.  It even had the little penguin beaks made with prairie points.  I skipped the outter border and will put on a navy binding to finish it off.  It is now quilted and ready for binding.

Adopt-a-Family Dots and Dashes
I have two finished quilts that are ready for the Adopt-a-Family Project that we have each year.  We make a quilt for every child on a list of families to adopt at the college where I worked.  The Dots and Dashes was fun, made smaller than the pattern asked, so the diamonds are not as complete.  But it is cherry.  The modern log cabin was fun to make!  Just scraps and bits put together for make this wacky happy quilt.
Adopt-a-Family Crazy Long Cabin
National Quilting Day Project

In 1989, the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society organized a "Quilters' Day Out" on the third Saturday of March to celebrate the rich tradition of quilt making in Kentucky. In 1991, the NQA officers were so enthused with the concept and success of "Quilters'Day Out" that they voted to take it to a national level.  The name changed to National Quilting Day.  This year the day fell on March 21.  The organization selected a quilt pattern for the year.  I made mine a bit differently in that I put a border on mine.  

I continued to make Fidget Blankets for some of the residents at the Health Center where my mom is a resident.  I delivered six more.

I was given some beautiful blocks from a friend, but they were already quilted, some with a fleece backing.  I believe the person who gave them to my friend had tried to do the "quilt as you go" method but it didn't work.  I didn't know what to do with them, so finally made pet bed pads.  The Oregon Humane Society loved them.

The last project I worked on this spring was a mosaic project.  I have always wanted to make a bird bath for display on my porch and that was what I decided to make.  I love the finished project and it sits proudly on my porch. 

I have three more quilt tops ready, but they will wait until my next major project is completed: my new long-arm quilting studio.  That is the exciting next step!

Happy summer peaceful adventurous summer!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely gorgeous quilts. The bird bath is spectacular; I'm sure the birds who get to use it are the envy of the 'hood.
