Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Weird Portland Wednesday: A Stache and Dash

We do love our costumed races here is Portland.  We may have more races wearing costumes than anywhere (I just made up that statistic).  Like the Urban Beer Hunt just last month. 

Urban Beer Hunt
The Mustashe Dache is no exception to our fun.  Held last Saturday in SW Portland/Beaverton area, the 5k run, children's run, and family walk was everything it should have been.

The announcement for the The Mustashe Dache was perfectly Portland:

It’s only the biggest, baddest, hairiest running series on the planet. It’s a mustache-themed run that’s a little bit Freddie Mercury and a little bit Ron Swanson.  It’s a fundraiser to help end prostate cancer through our charity partner, ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer and it’s the best excuse you’re going to find this side of 1976 to grow a mustache.

The organization's cause is am important one.  It says:
The Mustache Dache isn’t all fun and games.  Or, more accurately, it is pretty much all fun and games–but with an express purpose in mind;  raising funds and awareness for men’s health.  Here's the link if you want to read more about it:

You may have missed it this year, but there are plenty more chances to wear a costume and run.  Next week on Thanksgiving is the Tofurky Trot.  Why miss something this fun? Running, walking, family fun IN A COSTUME!!!

Come join us and help keep Portland Weird. 


1 comment:

  1. I always wondered the significance of the mustache thing.
