Thursday, March 17, 2016

Raining Colors

Raining Colors quilt top
This past six weeks has been a real adventure for me.  Coming down to my mother's area to an apartment has been great.  It is definitely better for me to stay down in Southern California for a longer period of time rather than driving back and forth from Oregon to California every 20 days, staying a week, and driving back.  Plus I don't have to put my life on hold while I am here.

I have been able to make four quilt tops, many single blocks, start an appliquéd wallhanging.  The pup and I have taken many walks every day.  Mom and I have taken many walks all over the Health Center complex--inside and out.  I have read many articles and stories to her in the time I have been here.  And I have read three books for myself plus watched Netflix streaming in evenings.

I have been able to visit a few friends, have a sleepover with one of my BFFs (but we didn't curl hair or do one another's nails.  I had looked forward to that :( ), gone to the movies to see some classic films with my longest school friend (since 1st grade).  Was able to have a mani/pedi with my eldest niece, played with my great nephews, and had some fun with my sister.
Can you see where my pup will be sitting?

So now I am hitting the road again, heading north to my sweetie and kitties and water bed and rain.  Not much rain down here but it is raining colors on my design wall.  

Only three more sleeps and I'll be home. 


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