Monday, April 11, 2016

Making Progress

Doug and Jene and me and Mackenzie and Kaity
Somewhere out there is a family "normal."  I don't have one.  My family is small but large.  In my family is my sons and my daughter-in-law and my grandgirl.  There is my partner and my sister and brother-in-law and their kids and their grands.  My mother and cousins and aunt.  Our stepkids and their kids.  There are my schoolmates and colleagues and a few former boyfriends.  In my family, there are former students and my sons' friends, quilting sisters.  

And none of these people are "normal."  Oh they are weird...well some are, of course.  They are part of my family.  But there are no mass-murders or stalkers (except my sister back in high school...she said she stalked her boyfriend after they broke up, often driving past his house.  But I don't think that was classified as stalking back in 1967, right?).  We don't have any abusers in our family.  We lack our share of bank robbers (although I did steal some colored pencils once when I went to the library in Ontario and needed a pencil...went to a little store next door and realized I had no money.  A pencil was only a nickle but it wasn't sharpened...the colored pencils were sharpened.  I took them.  I was maybe 12.  At 65 I realize I could have asked a librarian for a pencil, but this all seemed logical at the time).  I have met some bank robbers up close and personal, but I have never invited them into my family.

Yesterday was National Sibling Day.  This interesting day started almost 10 years ago.  I am just hearing about it now.  I guess my head hasn't been in the news/the know for a while.  Some people don't have blood siblings or their siblings are no longer with us.  They can create a family of brothers and sisters from all those people in their big family.  We can just Photo Shop you in.

Meanwhile, I am making progress on my Hands Around the World quilt.  I have the moon and the earth finished.  I really like that earth.  Hope no one notices I didn't get Texas's tail in the gulf...  Now on to some stars!  Then I can figure out the sizing for the center to match the little kids holding hands :)

In between handwork, I am still making quilt tops.  This is my latest.  It is a pattern from Eleanor Burns, Quilt in a Day.  She calls it Zippity Quick.  It was :)

Now back to the star applique and to another quilt top I have cut out for sewing.  It is overcast and chilly.  Perfect day for sewing :)


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