Wednesday, June 01, 2016

What's Up on My Design Board

It does rather look like a forest that has been devastated by locust. Or maybe a wildfire. But in the near future it will look like something lush and beautiful.  Lilies!  Tiger lilies.  Stargazer lilies.  Butter lilies.  This is a wallhanging for my wonderful friend, Vicki.  I promised her a special quilt after her husband Darrell died and this is what she asked me to make.  I've been procrastinating working on this...I open the pattern and look it over...close up the pattern and work on something else.  But as of yesterday, the pattern stays open!

Vicki with my two sons
I met Vicki when we lived in Grants Pass, Oregon.  She and her first husband moved in next door and we became good friends.  When I was pregnant with my second child, Vick felt especially close.  She dreamed she gave birth to him in her kitchen sink.
That must have been a hard birth ;)  

After her first husband died and I moved to Portland, got a divorce, we continued to see one another many weekends when my sons were at their father's.  We lost touch sometime after the mid-90s but reconnected through Facebook.  Yay Facebook!

So she wanted a wallhanging to go over her dining room table.  It's on it's way to becoming such....  So glad she has patience :)

The pattern...kinda what it will look like when finished


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