Sunday, January 28, 2018

Hidey Holes

All photos were stolen from GOOGLE Images...just sayin

When I was a kid, there was this wonderful old gnarley pepper tree at the edge of Mr. Cooper's property.  It sat near the dirt road where we lived and, with a 360 view, headed toward the paved road that t-boned our little street.  It was my favorite place to hide when I was an angst-ridden teenager.  Our dog could climb up with me and we would hide behind the branches and leaves, watch the world go by, and write angst-ridden poetry. Unfortunately the road was eventually paved, orange groves and Mr. Cooper's farm torn down, apartments, houses, and condos built.  The tree is gone.  Sad 'cause it was the best.

Kids need hidey holes to get away from adults for a while, to meet with friends and talk about their lives.  Goofy lives.  Serious lives.  Like the tree house in the movie Stand By Me.  So cool to have a place to go with your friends and be the self you want to be in the moment.  Try out new yous.  You a kid.  When I was in high school, my friend Cindy and I would take a drive out to the vineyards in my little yellow '56 VW bug.  Never any traffic, so we would turn the little side windows in toward us and drive throughout the area--up the hills and down the hills--pretending to be a race car.  And talk.  And laugh.  And not talk.  You know, like teenagers can.  

Some kids are not so good at hiding....  Some have created great spaces to be alone....

Today I was driving past a large field that is fenced and a screen over the fence.  Because the wind was blowing, I could see the large property through the broken and torn screens.  And I was thinking what a great place it was to sneak into and find a space for to be alone and talk.  Or not talk.  But a special place for kids to be away from adults.  A safe place for them to just be kids.  Hidey holes.  A place to go when the real world is too much or, maybe, not enough.

A great hiding hole
There is a tree across the street from my house in Portland that has a large skirt that dips to the ground.  I know that coyotes used to sleep there during the day.  But now it is empty and a perfect perfect perfect hiding hole!  There was a little girl--maybe three years old--who would take her daddy over there and peek under the tree every time they took a walk.  If she still lived in the neighborhood and was old enough, I'll bet she would be having tea parties under that tree.

A perfect place to play away from adults
We all need hidey holes from time-to-time.  That's why some people take long hot bathes.  That's why my fella goes into his computer room and kills monsters.  That's why I look for spaces to play with my friends when I'm down south.  I miss my gnarley pepper tree but have a great quilting studio.  I miss my VW bug and Cindy but I have long-time friends and family in Southern California and good friends in Portland and a grandkid and family, all with whom I can play.  

So, yeah, come on over to my hidey hole here in Upland and we can get away from adults for a while and try on new selves.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Ahhhhhhhh! Such fond memories of creating those Sacred Spaces! Thank you ;)

