Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday Funday: Magic

Yes, yes I know.  "Sunday Funday" isn't about kid-fun but adult fun.  I looked it all up and everything.  There's drinking and partying and having the blast leftover from Saturday.  According to the Urban Dictionary,
By celebrating the "Sunday Funday" you can extend your weekend festivities just a little longer before hanging up your party pants. This day typically starts out with mimosas or bloody marys aka hair of the dog. It then typically continues throughout the day until you find yourself wasted by about 6:30ish. Since the "Funday" ends early enough, you can rest assured that you will go to bed aka pass out early enough to be perfectly refreshed for work on Monday morning.
Wellllll...I don't actually drink and my "party pants" look a lot like my Monday pants, Tuesday pants, get the idea.  So I decided that "Sunday Fundays" means kid-fun days!  And what's more fun than bubbles??
I remember the fun of going to J.J. Newberry--the best little five-and-dime where I used to walk to with a girlfriend, up at the outdoor mall we called "Sears."  And we'd spend a dime or a quarter (I don't remember which that far back.  A dime sound so little!) for a Coke at the fountain and a bit of photobooth fun.  I could afford to buy Christmas presents for $1 each for my sister, Mom, Dad and my two grammas.  One of the fun things we could pick up at the five-and-dime for almost nothing was a bottle of bubbles with a magic wand!  I loved them.  They are magic.

And who doesn't love bubbles? Think about when you are at the fair and a clown machine starts spitting out bubbles.  Doesn't that just make you laugh and try to catch them?  Mckenzie Baker's poem Bubbles begins, "I’d like to think there’s/something infinitely mystic about bubbles."

I always wanted to make those really large bubbles, but found you needed much larger wands to do that.  So I just happily settled for a bunch of smaller ones that floated around the yard.  I didn't know there was a science of how those bubbles were made, I just puffed and puffed and out came the bubbles!  They are magic.

Sundays weren't all that fun when I was young.  First there's church in nice clothes and then a family meal and then the rest of the day until Disney's Wonderful World of Color came on.  It wasn't like Saturdays which were the best.  But bubbles could have changed all that. So get out there and have your own Sunday Funday with some bubbles!  It's magic.


A fun video!  The Spangler Effect - The Science of Bubbles

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