Thursday, February 23, 2012

On to the Fourth Block

This block I decided not to curve the background fabric but to sew straight lines. I am not sure if they will work as well as previous blocks, so we will see. I decided on fabric that might pop out, but not be redundant to previous fabric.

As this is the final row, I wanted to match the first row in size and placement of the strips. So I matched each checkerboard pattern with the same size strip of background fabric, just as I had in the first block. The major difference is I didn't have to unsew (take out stitching) any strips! I be a good learner :) Lay them out and sew them as if they are laid out :)

Not a bad result. Not as exciting as the first block/strip but it works.  Now, what to do inbetween the rows? Time to put on my thinking cap :)  peace~~~

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